Conçu par Illingworth et Primrose en 1961 Swanee appartient à la classe des Maïca, dessinée par les deux architectes à partir de 1959, le premier étant une commande du yachtman français Henry Rouault. Ils se sont illustrés dans toutes les grandes régates et continuent de courir avec succès. Baptisé Rauwolfia, Swanee a d'abord appartenu à un médecin marseillais, le Docteur le Roux. Il changera de mains plusieurs fois et portera les noms de Philou, puis Mirgue 3. Son actuel propriétaire a passé trois ans à le restaurer, signe qu'entre un yacht et son propriétaire, c'est toujours une histoire d'amour. Swanee court régulièrement à Ajaccio et en Méditerranée.
Designed by Illingworth & primrose in 1961, Swaneee belongs to the Maïca Class, a sery the two great architects had conceived two years before, the first one being commissioned by the french yachtman Henry Rouault. As many Illingworth designs, most of them were successful in great regattas. Some keep on sailing. Previously named Rauwolfia, Swanee was first owned by doctor Le Roux from Marseille. She passed from hand to hand and was renamed Philou, then Mirgue 3. The actual owner spent three years restoring and refitting the boat, a sign that between a yacht and a yachtman, it is always somewhat of a love story. Swanee regularly races in Ajaccio and on the mediterranean scene.
Architecte, designer: Illingworth & Primrose.
Catégorie, class :Classique Marconi. Marconi classic.
Gréement, type of boat: Sloop bermudien, bermudian sloop.
Année de construction, year built: 1962.
Chantier, shipyard: Chantiers mécaniques de Normandie. FR. Normandy Shipyard, FR.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 11,07m / 36'32".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft: /
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 8,55m / 28'05".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 2,74m / 8'99".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft:1,80m / 5'91".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 44,04m², 44 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration: 2006, 2007.
Déplacement, displacement : 6t.
Pavillon, flag: Pays bas / The Netherlands.
Designed by Illingworth & primrose in 1961, Swaneee belongs to the Maïca Class, a sery the two great architects had conceived two years before, the first one being commissioned by the french yachtman Henry Rouault. As many Illingworth designs, most of them were successful in great regattas. Some keep on sailing. Previously named Rauwolfia, Swanee was first owned by doctor Le Roux from Marseille. She passed from hand to hand and was renamed Philou, then Mirgue 3. The actual owner spent three years restoring and refitting the boat, a sign that between a yacht and a yachtman, it is always somewhat of a love story. Swanee regularly races in Ajaccio and on the mediterranean scene.
Architecte, designer: Illingworth & Primrose.
Catégorie, class :Classique Marconi. Marconi classic.
Gréement, type of boat: Sloop bermudien, bermudian sloop.
Année de construction, year built: 1962.
Chantier, shipyard: Chantiers mécaniques de Normandie. FR. Normandy Shipyard, FR.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 11,07m / 36'32".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft: /
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 8,55m / 28'05".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 2,74m / 8'99".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft:1,80m / 5'91".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 44,04m², 44 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration: 2006, 2007.
Déplacement, displacement : 6t.
Pavillon, flag: Pays bas / The Netherlands.