Conçu par Carlo Sciarelli en 1973 pour la famille Novi, Chaplin a été construit aux prestigieux chantiers de Cesare Sangermani. Elégance et vitesse sont ses qualités essentielles. Rappelons encore une fois que l'architecture navale italienne a produit des yachts classiques extraordinaires et que Chaplin, propriété de la marine nationale italienne depuis 2008, en est un témoignage direct. Détenteur du record de la Giraglia en 1988, il a remporté dans sa catégorie, la Coupe d'Automne du Yacht Club de France en 2009.
Designed by Carlo Sciarelli in 1973 for the Novi family and built in 1974 at the famous Cesare Sangermani shipyards, Chaplin is a combination of elegance and speed. Once again, we must remember that the italian naval architecture has produced many fantastic classic yachts and Chaplin, owned since 2008 by the italian navy, is a good testimony of its art. Chaplin usually races on the Mediterranean circuit, and won many great races such as the 1988 Giraglia (with the record) and in its category, the 2009 Yacht Club de France Autumn Cup.
Architecte, designer: Carlo Sciarelli.
Catégorie, class :Classique Marconi, Marconi Classic.
Gréement, type of boat : Sloop bermudien, bermudian sloop.
Année de construction, year built: 1974.
Chantier, shipyard: Sangermani, Italie / Sangermani, Italy.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 16,54m/ 54'27".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft:
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 14,50m / 47'57".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 4,28m / 14'04".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft: 2,25m / 7'38".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 116,25m² / 116,25 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration:
Déplacement, displacement : 18t.
Pavillon, flag: Italie/ Italy.
Designed by Carlo Sciarelli in 1973 for the Novi family and built in 1974 at the famous Cesare Sangermani shipyards, Chaplin is a combination of elegance and speed. Once again, we must remember that the italian naval architecture has produced many fantastic classic yachts and Chaplin, owned since 2008 by the italian navy, is a good testimony of its art. Chaplin usually races on the Mediterranean circuit, and won many great races such as the 1988 Giraglia (with the record) and in its category, the 2009 Yacht Club de France Autumn Cup.
Architecte, designer: Carlo Sciarelli.
Catégorie, class :Classique Marconi, Marconi Classic.
Gréement, type of boat : Sloop bermudien, bermudian sloop.
Année de construction, year built: 1974.
Chantier, shipyard: Sangermani, Italie / Sangermani, Italy.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 16,54m/ 54'27".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft:
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 14,50m / 47'57".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 4,28m / 14'04".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft: 2,25m / 7'38".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 116,25m² / 116,25 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration:
Déplacement, displacement : 18t.
Pavillon, flag: Italie/ Italy.