Kim Holman (1925-2006) est un architecte anglais dont la carrière a commencé après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Son premier plan, le sloop Phialle (1955) connaîtra de beaux succès en course. Son yacht le plus célèbre le Yawl Rummer suivra en 1957. Il construira ensuite beaucoup de yachts de plaisance, associé avec Don Pye à partir de 1968 ou Alan Gurney, comme les Elizabethan 29, ou les Centurion 32, ces derniers presque tous construits en France chez Henri Wauquiez. Trumpeter est caractéristique de ces yachts anglais pensés pour allier sûreté, confort et vitesse.
Prolific and world-renowned, Kim Holman (1925-2006) whose career spanned many decades started designing boats after WW II. His first sailboat, the Phialle appeared in 1955 and was a great success on race course. She was followed in 1957, by his most famous design the 35 ft Yawl Rummer. After, he designed many other boats associated with Don Pye(1968) or Alan Gurney. Such were the Elizabethan 29 and 35, The Victorian Bowman and the Centurion 32, this last one built up at Henri Wauquiez shipyard in France. Trumpeter has all of the qualities of these english yachts thought off to combine safety, comfort (why not racing with some of it?) and speed performances.
Architecte, designer: Holman & Alan Gurney.
Catégorie, class : Classique marconi. Marconi Classic.
Gréement, type of boat : Côtre bermudien, bermudian cutter.
Année de construction, year built: 1964
Chantier, shipyard: Tucker Brown.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 15,05m /49'38".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft:
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 11,53m / 37'83".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 3,84m / 12'60".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft: 2,13m / 6'99".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 80,97m² /80,97 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration:
Déplacement, displacement :15t.
Pavillon, flag: Français, French.
Prolific and world-renowned, Kim Holman (1925-2006) whose career spanned many decades started designing boats after WW II. His first sailboat, the Phialle appeared in 1955 and was a great success on race course. She was followed in 1957, by his most famous design the 35 ft Yawl Rummer. After, he designed many other boats associated with Don Pye(1968) or Alan Gurney. Such were the Elizabethan 29 and 35, The Victorian Bowman and the Centurion 32, this last one built up at Henri Wauquiez shipyard in France. Trumpeter has all of the qualities of these english yachts thought off to combine safety, comfort (why not racing with some of it?) and speed performances.
Architecte, designer: Holman & Alan Gurney.
Catégorie, class : Classique marconi. Marconi Classic.
Gréement, type of boat : Côtre bermudien, bermudian cutter.
Année de construction, year built: 1964
Chantier, shipyard: Tucker Brown.
Longueur totale, LOA, m / ft: 15,05m /49'38".
Longueur de coque, LOD, m / ft:
Longueur à la flottaison, LWL, m / ft: 11,53m / 37'83".
Maître Bau, Beam, m / ft: 3,84m / 12'60".
Tirant d'eau, Draft, m / ft: 2,13m / 6'99".
Surface de voilure, sail area: 80,97m² /80,97 sq.m.
Restauration, restoration:
Déplacement, displacement :15t.
Pavillon, flag: Français, French.